Your search results
- Chocolate foot, respeaker, i18n (2006.11.26)
How many words that I use are found in The Official Dictionary of Unofficial English?
- The least usable consumer product (2006.11.16)
…is the child restraint
- Sid Adilman memorial (2006.11.13)
Notes from a memorial celebration for Sid Adilman, 68, held 2006.11.12 in Toronto. (“Sid loved a public inquiry”)
- Shakespear takes the subway (2006.11.04)
In which I ride the Toronto subway with Ronald Shakespear talking about nothing but signage! signage! signage!
- Undead narcissist (2006.10.31)
Studies and observations about undead narcissists everyware
- Quoted in the ‘Wall Street Journal’ (2006.10.25)
In which I am quoted in the Wall Street Journal (and paraphrased inaccurately)
- Our happy gang (2006.10.19)
In which I host the PDF/UA clan in Toronto
- Sid Adilman, 68 (2006.10.16)
My old editor, and longtime defender, Sid Adilman died at age 68
- The latest CBC howlers (2006.10.06)
Exactly what kind of bullshit did CBC try to pass off to the Canadian broadcasting regulator?