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Liveblogging a panel from South by Southwest 2005: Turning Pink into Green


Liveblogging a panel from South by Southwest 2005: Typography for the Screen


Liveblogging a panel from South by Southwest 2005: Design Eye for the Idea Guy


Liveblogging a panel from South by Southwest 2005: Flash vs. HTML Game Show


Liveblogging a panel from South by Southwest 2005: Keynote: Ana Marie Cox


‘To one correspondent she sent a beautiful letter, frank and kind, needlessly grateful, which ended with the sentence “Please forget about me.” Of course, we never could and we never will’


It should have been Milhouse


The Google browser is about rights, payments, and DRM, not open source or Web standards


Notes from the sixth annual TIP Conference, University of Toronto

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None. I quit.

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