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A TTC collector aided by defenders from the union seems like exactly the sort of peevish, disagreement-escalating lifer still prevalent in the system


Does Marissa Mayer have Asperger’s? Seemingly so


Flowery, grandiloquent Craig Mod and developer-autistic Marco Arment are being disingenuous when they claim not to have defined a new publishing style. They have – and, after the manner of Butt and FANTASTIC MAN, it will now be copied


The amazing dazzle camouflage of the Polish bobsleigh team


Steve Holcomb was left high and dry as he struggled with a disabling eye condition and such serious depression he tried to kill himself


Toronto journalists, a monoculture of a commentariat class, have a shared technical incompetence that made them a year late on the biggest journalism story of ’012


A New York Times Co. boardmember told a podcast that journalists at the New York Times must write according to corporate interests, it appears


I was the sole hack in the room for the Guide Dog Users of Canada annual conference


Jude Law, Breaking and Entering: “It starts with an argument with society’s phony love affair with nature. We are against the mistaking of grass for nature, of green for nature”

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