Your search results


Roger Ebert and Pat Bowes can actually still use the phone, via hearing carryover (HCO) at the relay service. Won’t somebody tell them?


Announcing my new research project on lesbian and gay economics. (Spoiler alert: Gay males earn less money than straight males, most research shows, while lesbians earn more than straight women)


Established design critic John Thackara thinks kids today should live in squats and write design criticism for 12¢ a pageview


Guess what: Firefox nerds can’t figure out why anybody would want to use a thin space


The Royal Bank of Canada has trouble spelling the word practise


I wrote the audio-description script for Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story. And here it is!


Why are the semantics and codebase of Tumblrs such shite? Why don’t you have a nice easy export mechanism to services like Delicious?


Is Trapeze Software going around acting like it has already won the contract for an online trip planner?


Ken Tucker’s book of 50 loves and hates about (Amerikanski) TV

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