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✬.me is about what, exactly?


Will Donovan Steyl and Karen Paperno please stick to the facts?


Never Let Me Go presents a dystopia bereft of male characteristics. I suspect this is our actual future


A letter I wrote to UFC’s director of Canadian operations about gay fans of Ultimate Fighting. No, I am not really one of them, but that wasn’t my point


Editing Benoît Denizet-Lewis’s list of the best gay books of all time (allegedly) so you can actually read it


Russell Smith spoke to magazine editors about usage. They ought to be careful following his advice


Under iOS 5, not only can you set a ringtone for each of your contacts, you can set a flashtone (not quite) and a vibetone


Old gay males stumble into the light at the homosexualist film festival and wonder: Where did all these guys come from?


‘I’m glad the friends I have now are involved enough in my life to try their damnedest, even risking what passed for “friendship” at that time, to try to prevent me from sliding into the decay I experienced in the ’90s as a result of “friends” who were so laissez-faire as to watch someone they claimed to care about slide into oblivion’

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