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Every six months, somebody writes a new story about captioning that gets a dozen facts wrong


‘If a large-scale project should happen in one hour; a project 1/10 its size should happen in 1/10 the time. The most prevalent place this happens with design students is software’


Do you really think the fact that six “top” fashion designers are all guys proves that fashion design is riven with sexism?


My appearance on the World in Words podcast is finally up


How to ruin the typography of a novel in verse about L.A. lycanthropes


U2, Coldplay (MORRISSEY: Oldplay), Lady Gaga


How well do you think an Ontario government standard for accessible signage in its own buildings is going to turn out?


Not quite “Who wants crème brûlée?” but getting there. (Also: How to boss around a group of Cub Scouts.)


Was dead crypto-fascist Austrian Jörg Haider also homosexualist? Well, no. But whose company did he fancy?

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None. I quit.

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