Apart from writing in at least once a week to fix an egregious copy error of theirs (I have to triage – there are so many I can focus only on egregious errors), I occasionally drop Gawker a line to explain that their incredible scoops are positively old hat.

I’ve now had enough, since our dear Jewish and/or gay friends at Gawker are now at the stage of scanning in old Spy copy that I had already entered – using the kind of valid, accessible HTML that Denton still cannot manage – two full years ago.

NYT: Pitch Away!

Also, wasn’t the whole cease-fire-leads-to-soccer thing the premise of Paul McCartney’s 1983 “Pipes of Peace” video?

And an entire movie, A Midnight Clear, starring Chelsea dad and Gawker mainstay Ethan Hawke. (More like Christmas spirit than soccer, but the theme is the same.)
The New Yorker Before and After Tina Brown

Tina Brown likes to remind people she put the New Yorker on the path to profitability before she left…with the widespread use of four-letter words. [But when has she reminded us of that lately? Where’s the news hook?] […] We dip into the retro-media files and produce a scan of Spy magazine from November ’93 that illustrates this point more clearly.

Why not just read the whole thing yourself instead of squinting at a tiny scan?

See also: Ask Choire; “Great” Artists Steal, Allegedly.

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None. I quit.

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