Archive for the year 2004


These delightful, anachronistic blue-green signs are virtually unnoticeable as one whizzes, or indeed wheezes, along the boardwalk.

Avant Garde Gothic capital letters read ‘Cyclists Yield to Pedestrians’ and ‘Cyclists Pass on Left,’ with ligatures for some combinations

I prefer my ligatures bold, capitalized, and decked out in bell bottoms (which dutifully snag in your cogs).


Or rather, they don’t do Web standards, either


Text on Things: Date-due receipt


You could be Warren Beatty. I mean, *he’s* an actor


First in a series


Peter Saville; ‘24 Hour Party People’


I just love the Ombudsman’s commitment to accessibility: Tacking on a corrected TTY number using not only the wrong font but Is for 1s.

Close-up of poster with paper appliqué of TTY number in wrong font

Now, honey, that is big type.

Delivery truck shows ‘BASICS’ in letters as high as the truck – and the ‘I’ is a paper clip

I’d certainly feel jollier ridin’ the range (or UofT) in a tractor this colour. Wouldn’t you?

Small tractor is painted bright orange

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None. I quit.

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