In the immortal words of my esteemed colleague upon laying eyes on these, “That’s some weird-looking shit.”

Note also that Spanish CH · ch and LL · ll are nowhere to be found.

Unicode Components
IJ   ij IJ   ij
Ľ   ľ L’   l’
DZ   Dz   dz DZ   Dz   dz
DŽ   Dž   dž DŽ   Dž   dž
LJ   Lj   lj LJ   Lj   lj
NJ   Nj   nj NJ   Nj   nj
¼   ½   ¾   ⅓   ⅔   ⅕   ⅖   ⅗   ⅘   ⅙   ⅚   ⅛   ⅜   ⅝   ⅞   ⅟ 1/4   1/2   3/4   1/3   2/3   1/5   2/5   3/5   4/5   1/6   5/6   1/8   3/8   5/8   7/8   1/
℀   ℁   ℅   ℆ a/c   a/s   c/o   c/u (but not percent, permille)
℃   ℉ °C   °F
Ⅱ   Ⅲ   Ⅳ   Ⅵ   Ⅶ   Ⅷ   Ⅸ   Ⅺ   Ⅻ II   III   IV   VI   VII   IX   XI   XII
ⅱ   ⅲ   ⅳ   ⅵ   ⅶ   ⅷ   ⅸ   ⅺ   ⅻ ii   iii   iv   vi   vii   ix   xi   xii
∬   ∭
≤   ≥   ≦   ≧   ≨   ≩ <=   >=   <≠   >≠
≪   ≫ <<   >>
≶   ≷ <>   ><
⋘   ⋙ <<<   >>>
″   ‴ ′′   ′′′ (plus ‶   ‷, whatever those are)

And we can’t forget about quotation marks: “ ··· ‟ (for the Mrs. Eaves fans among you) · « · ».

And digraphs:

Unicode Components
?! (interrobang!)
Œ   œ OE   oe
Æ   æ AE   ae

And ligatures.

And arrows, but life’s too short to write all those down.

The foregoing posting appeared on Joe Clark’s personal Weblog on 2005.01.10 17:21. This presentation was designed for printing and omits components that make sense only onscreen. (If you are seeing this on a screen, then the page stylesheet was not loaded or not loaded properly.) The permanent link is:

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None. I quit.

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