Archive for May 2005


‘Sarcastic, dismissive, and conducted yourself in a nonprofessional manner’


Notes on two U.K. reports on Web accessibility


How do you read the filename of this icon?


‘The World’s Top Ten Disco Classics,’ according to Camille Paglia? I’ll be the judge of that


Ten Questions for Joe Clark


What types of documents on the Web really should be PDFs?


‘Please don’t visit Boing Boing. You aren’t welcome there’


Shawn Desman is part black and has black hair. Liars.

Wrapped advertising on an SUV shows Shawn Desman and the words “Red Hair”
Billboard shows woman holding young boy. Graffiti alongside draws in a dialogue balloon reading ‘I want my child to be a repressed homophobe just like me’

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None. I quit.

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