First of all, I have joined the Borg and am now using Delicious.

Gawker wants a CSS developer
Yes, after a year of outright hostility (but ask Choire), they’re cleaning up their act. In fact, the latest pointless Weblog, Oddjack, is less bad than usual, with minor validation errors (but still, to this day, no understanding at all of alt texts). Maybe PatricKing is getting better, fractionally. Nonetheless, they need professional help. (They already have that, a little, I am reliably told, but they need it by the truckload)
Candidate WAI redesigns
After human-factors testing of the WAI site proved it was shite. (Via Tomas Caspers)
Steve: “If I had never… dropped in on this calligraphy class… personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do”
Personal computers have what?

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None. I quit.

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