As adduced, WAI is redesigning its Web site.
You have until July 6 to register complaints, such as:
- Type in left-hand navbar is much too large, with too much whitespace. (In other words, I recognize my own deficiency in others.) “Highlights” heading on homepage is superfluous, overlarge, and drowning in whitespace (ditto).
- The page on customizing font size and colour is nothing but a wordy and badly-laid-out remedial training session in browser usage. WAI pretends that stylesheet-switching (including zoom layouts) had never been invented.
text for the Translations link is clearly wrong. The image used for that link – a sequence of random Unicode characters – is seriously confusing and also unnecessarily purple (is it a visited link)?- RSS instructions are incorrect. You do not “click on the feed link” (Cf. Veen). It’s difficult to make the case that RSS stands for anything but RSS these days; I sincerely doubt anyone outside the W3C thinks it stands for RDF Site Summary (an acronym within an acronym).
- Why do I have to go to a separate search page? Search-results pages are unstyled Google results; why not use FindForward, which reuses Google’s API in valid XHTML? (I know, because the W3C bought the Google search appliance. You could still make it work.)
- The WAI (actually wai) logotype is grossly pixelated.
This sounds like a job for the ATF.