Archive for August 2005
- Joe does London (again) (2005.08.29)
In London for September 1. Tea, anyone?
- My Modernist Helvetica building identification is better than yours (2005.08.27)
Would this not have been better in Akzidenz?
(What wouldn’t be?)
- Modern justice (2005.08.27)
- The loneliest shopping carts (2005.08.27)
- Plushtastrophe! (2005.08.24)
I still regret missing most of the plushies episode of CSI (complete with description!).
- Welcome to Roy’s Font Basics (2005.08.24)
I don’t know how they could possibly have made this tackier.
The Clearface Gothic was a nice touch.
- Multiple scripts (2005.08.24)
From what I can tell, this sign uses upright and cursive type in two scripts.
- Staying positive about tabindex (2005.08.22)
tabindex="-1". Discuss
- Floor wax, dessert topping (2005.08.20)
The 2005 Matching Tartan and Paisley Award for typographic miscegenation goes to Europa Fine Pastries & Bakery for the unforeseeable achievement of uniting Cooper Black with a “klassy” script face.