Near-perfect homosexualist aperçu de joueb (emphasis added):

An attractive Australian guy in a Speedo made me a lewd proposition and then made a partially successful attempt to finger me. “Are you from Oceania?” was my mind-bogglingly nerdy response to him. God, I should win some sort of nerd award for that one.

Then again, the foregoing came, appropriately, from a near-perfect homosexualist – someone so very much more acceptable than that adipose accretion of disco hamburger tromping around Manhattan in army boots, or the building-renderer made of balsa wood who thinks a straight trainer working him out every day will turn him into a “musclebear” (“my people”), or the man with the ampersand tattoo who posts shirtless, eyeglassless, ratlike photos of himself each week. Let’s put blogging on the list – second after graphic design – of things we are no good at doing.

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None. I quit.

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