Archive for the year 2008


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New York state vanity licence plate on a Mercury SUV reads D3S1GN3R. Nearby, a green-white-red ITALIAN MUSCLE bumper sticker shows a shirtless bodybuilder in a hard hat

Note the bumper sticker damagingly applied to a painted surface. Ethnic stereotype?

Oily-looking CN locomotive carries the number 4135 in Helvetica
Rusted equipment is labelled Snorkel and has criscrossing ducts and a periscope-like exhaust tube

You want updates on the TTC Web contract? I have access to the documents, but I’m not doing the work for free. Amazing new concept, I know

Large transport truck, emblazoned TITAN, is parked on a rainy street. A guy in a forklift drives up behind it

Splorpist photo: Vette

Yellow-and-red garage, with yellow-and red taxis parked nearby and yellow, orange, red, and aquamarine car hoods, trunks, and doors leaning against the wall

A garish new site


Liveblogging The Trojan Horse on CBC, 2008.03.30 2100

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None. I quit.

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