There are only three of us who believe this, but that just means the rest of you are ignorant or wrong. I tell people that all the time.

Anyway, Pentagram designer/contributor to doomed blog/author/Helvetica scene-stealer Michael Bierut obsesses constantly over writing articles and postings when, all the while, what he needed is his own podcast. He is, after all, a raconteur.

So I am doing what I can to force his hand in the matter. This has all the effect of a neutrino whizzing through Rick Poynor’s Oystercard, but no matter. I’ve collected a few links to podcasts and other online videos where you can hear Bierut yourself (assuming you can hear – not always a fair assumption with my readership). All links open at iTunes.

  1. Typeradio: First, second

  2. Walker Art Center

  3. AIGA Command X competition (delicious!)

  4. Studio 360

  5. Design Matters (warning: prolonged exposure to Debbie Millman’s voice)

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None. I quit.

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