If not, have Simon Doonan decorate your house for Christmas. He’ll tell you.
Now that the dust has settled and the homicidal E-mails have slowed to a trickle, I realize that I owe [some right-wing asshole] a debt of gratitude. By dropping the First Elf in the poop, you have unwittingly provided me with a searing insight into the pathetic and disastrous state of our comment-obsessed culture. Thanks to you, I see now that there are two kinds of people in the world: In the first group, we have those who do, and in the second group, we have those who sit at their computers on their ever-widening asses blogging, platforming and commenting on the not-always-perfect efforts of the first group. Tinselgate has renewed my commitment to keep my tight ass fairly and squarely plonked in that first group.