Sarah Nicole Prickett. For example:
This rapid glossing of street style… is the way of the fashion world, and now “street” editorializes itself…. [O]nly for a little while is each subject “different,” with his or her mix-not-match of high and low, old and new. Then you scroll longer, the pictures blur faster, and suddenly all you see is what Freud called “narcissism of small differences.” […]
[W]e say – as do, invariably, the photobloggers – that we are looking for something unique. But everyone says that. How unique can it be?
And here’s the other thing: We are attracted, biologically and maybe inescapably, to norms. When was the first time you saw Scott Schuman [q.v.], for example, post a “big girl” on his blog? Was it when Glamour ran an unretouched photo of a not-exactly-fat Lizzie Miller in their September 2009 issue? Probably. Schuman blogged it, preempting overdue criticism by saying: “older women and larger size women often say no to my request to shoot them.”
Sure, and how often does he ask? And how often do readers demand? […]
Underneath the colourful bricolage of street style remains the whitest, glossiest, sexiest version of vérité. [Yvan] Rodic has said it before…. He says: “I look for the beautiful normal people.”
The normality myth is the new beauty myth.