Using the OED’s new interface, I searched for all terms with national origin of Canada. (You may need to log in and search via your public library.) In ascending chronological order (i.e., only the last 20 or so are recent), here are all “573” (actually 458) headwords, many of them generic terms with Canadian senses.
- black
- low
- sleigh
- sloop
- sweetness
- reeveship
- rind
- planching
- winter
- mill
- thrum
- planch
- race
- merchantable
- acclamation
- mudfish
- pork
- orignal
- tilt
- planched
- return
- suck-
- outlaw
- machine
- natural
- mossberry
- shalloway
- mosaic
- nokes
- papoose
- parchment
- high
- north-west
- quickhatch
- seigneury
- seigneurie
- township
- pitch
- drive
- gaspereau
- siffleur
- red
- river
- slew
- stage
- mocotaugan
- nor’-wester
- made
- boil-up
- sack
- rogan
- peevish
- bluff
- cookie
- thick
- tea
- open water
- pembina
- beaver
- span
- shell
- pan
- ranger
- ship
- tinker
- longer
- bake-apple
- coast
- seigneur
- Mistassini
- packeteer
- molton
- quiet
- moose
- rock
- snig
- machicote
- mouffle
- neechee
- north-wester
- outfit
- lolly
- pack
- stranger
- malachigan
- marais
- Montreal
- Northman
- outard
- pipe
- regale
- var
- voyageur
- march
- strong
- taureau
- maccaron
- marche-donc
- plew
- embarras
- poire
- aboiteau
- outpost
- cutter
- muskimoot
- pung
- muskeg
- trail
- Musqueam
- liard
- ram’s horn
- outport
- cordelle
- crib
- liberal
- jigger
- metis
- neither
- snye
- tickle-ace
- shanty
- summer
- trip
- lop
- road
- shin
- turkey
- lucifee
- lucivee
- sugar
- lake
- Nanaimo
- outside
- stopping
- line
- postmaster
- yard
- barber
- progressive
- Anglais
- side-line
- aglu
- rye
- school
- slob
- shove
- timber
- returned
- boil
- mudding
- sugary
- porpoise
- on to
- poudre
- dogan
- shinny
- pokelogan
- kayak
- police
- moccasin
- out-of-province
- ice
- rampart
- separate
- premier
- honk
- muffin
- neutral
- reeve
- side
- R
- bank
- buffalo
- family
- kudlik
- twin
- prairie
- Red River
- split
- stone-boat
- carry
- crust
- pit lamp
- tikinagun
- muskwa
- roturier
- rural
- jaw-bone
- jawbone
- mush
- airsome
- livyer
- tuckamore
- owly
- relief
- rossignol
- moss
- creeping
- merry
- train
- milling
- tuque
- milk
- red ribbon
- nominate
- nominated
- prairie province
- saddler
- warden
- McIntosh
- redcoat
- residential
- Riel
- treaty
- pre-Confederation
- dram
- chuck
- cruster
- moonias
- N
- stocker
- Peterborough
- carry-all
- carryall
- mummering
- Orangeman
- slidage
- crust-hunt
- home boy
- stick
- limit
- Manitoba maple
- frazil
- dog
- nuisance
- timberman
- wolf
- toque
- plough
- plow
- provincialize
- punging
- packeter
- muskeggy
- plugger
- hockeyist
- pay
- rawhide
- rodney
- sloven
- land
- meetsuk
- overflow
- rawhider
- mug
- staking
- supply
- staker
- herring
- bindle
- musher
- bilingualism
- ice-worm
- junior
- Malpeque
- mummer
- pointer
- senior
- mushing
- bobskate
- radial
- swamp
- outporter
- Pty.
- question
- rabbit ears
- new
- social
- spoon
- trans-continental
- wind
- driveway
- end
- mug-up
- bell
- muck
- nippy
- prairie chicken
- settler
- sponson
- time
- caboose
- snake
- mickey
- article
- playdown
- Cossack
- O
- stakey
- troller
- grass
- liquor
- ponask
- wheel
- pit-lamping
- beer
- blue
- minister
- Ogopogo
- drift
- old age security
- plug-in
- sasquatch
- aggressive
- nursing
- bilingualize
- Russell fence
- sealer
- pea meal
- snigging
- slough
- standing
- Swede
- rehab
- back forty
- Oka
- remand
- maidener
- be
- allowable
- Newfie
- Newfier
- zombie
- matrimonial
- baby
- French
- North Atlantic
- parade
- parkette
- tent
- province
- stubble
- mooch
- moocher
- mooching
- garburator
- goelette
- midget
- pit-lamp
- fastball
- sand-hill
- off-reserve
- rubby
- Russian
- impaired
- table
- bushed
- language
- Near North
- numbered
- tourtière
- butt-end
- lingonberry
- mud
- outrider
- throne
- Chinese
- red-circle
- red-circling
- home-brew
- Metro
- parkland
- spud
- Utilidor
- block
- Newf
- north
- parkade
- atom
- mainstreeting
- ploye
- deke
- pur et dur
- red-eye
- Mother Hubbard
- repatriate
- repatriation
- toolies
- water
- ball
- Creditiste
- joual
- minibike
- New Dem
- war
- Joe
- morality
- near
- yuck
- Ookpik
- bachelorette
- Denticare
- mainstreet
- open line
- patriate
- bachelor
- Bi and Bi
- Francophonie
- native
- non-status
- Parti Québécois
- ringette
- pit
- major
- rentalsman
- skatathon
- slick
- October
- one
- rug
- migawd
- qulliq
- suck
- patriation
- Inuktitut
- M
- triactor
- allophone
- Paki
- mucker
- nibbly
- nordicity
- open
- Pepsi
- canola
- rag
- First Nation
- multicult
- hoser
- murderball
- pot
- reno
- poutine
- sovereignist
- blue box
- power bar
- nanny
- midshore
- sovereigntist
- opening
- loonie
- Molson muscle
- crowd-surfing
- crowd-surf
- pure laine