Using the OED’s new interface, I searched for all terms with national origin of Canada. (You may need to log in and search via your public library.) In ascending chronological order (i.e., only the last 20 or so are recent), here are all “573” (actually 458) headwords, many of them generic terms with Canadian senses.

  1. black
  2. low
  3. sleigh
  4. sloop
  5. sweetness
  6. reeveship
  7. rind
  8. planching
  9. winter
  10. mill
  11. thrum
  12. planch
  13. race
  14. merchantable
  15. acclamation
  16. mudfish
  17. pork
  18. orignal
  19. tilt
  20. planched
  21. return
  22. suck-
  23. outlaw
  24. machine
  25. natural
  26. mossberry
  27. shalloway
  28. mosaic
  29. nokes
  30. papoose
  31. parchment
  32. high
  33. north-west
  34. quickhatch
  35. seigneury
  36. seigneurie
  37. township
  38. pitch
  39. drive
  40. gaspereau
  41. siffleur
  42. red
  43. river
  44. slew
  45. stage
  46. mocotaugan
  47. nor’-wester
  48. made
  49. boil-up
  50. sack
  51. rogan
  52. peevish
  53. bluff
  54. cookie
  55. thick
  56. tea
  57. open water
  58. pembina
  59. beaver
  60. span
  61. shell
  62. pan
  63. ranger
  64. ship
  65. tinker
  66. longer
  67. bake-apple
  68. coast
  69. seigneur
  70. Mistassini
  71. packeteer
  72. molton
  73. quiet
  74. moose
  75. rock
  76. snig
  77. machicote
  78. mouffle
  79. neechee
  80. north-wester
  81. outfit
  82. lolly
  83. pack
  84. stranger
  85. malachigan
  86. marais
  87. Montreal
  88. Northman
  89. outard
  90. pipe
  91. regale
  92. var
  93. voyageur
  94. march
  95. strong
  96. taureau
  97. maccaron
  98. marche-donc
  99. plew
  100. embarras
  101. poire
  102. aboiteau
  103. outpost
  104. cutter
  105. muskimoot
  106. pung
  107. muskeg
  108. trail
  109. Musqueam
  110. liard
  111. ram’s horn
  112. outport
  113. cordelle
  114. crib
  115. liberal
  116. jigger
  117. metis
  118. neither
  119. snye
  120. tickle-ace
  121. shanty
  122. summer
  123. trip
  124. lop
  125. road
  126. shin
  127. turkey
  128. lucifee
  129. lucivee
  130. sugar
  131. lake
  132. Nanaimo
  133. outside
  134. stopping
  135. line
  136. postmaster
  137. yard
  138. barber
  139. progressive
  140. Anglais
  141. side-line
  142. aglu
  143. rye
  144. school
  145. slob
  146. shove
  147. timber
  148. returned
  149. boil
  150. mudding
  151. sugary
  152. porpoise
  153. on to
  154. poudre
  155. dogan
  156. shinny
  157. pokelogan
  158. kayak
  159. police
  160. moccasin
  161. out-of-province
  162. ice
  163. rampart
  164. separate
  165. premier
  166. honk
  167. muffin
  168. neutral
  169. reeve
  170. side
  171. R
  172. bank
  173. buffalo
  174. family
  175. kudlik
  176. twin
  177. prairie
  178. Red River
  179. split
  180. stone-boat
  181. carry
  182. crust
  183. pit lamp
  184. tikinagun
  185. muskwa
  186. roturier
  187. rural
  188. jaw-bone
  189. jawbone
  190. mush
  191. airsome
  192. livyer
  193. tuckamore
  194. owly
  195. relief
  196. rossignol
  197. moss
  198. creeping
  199. merry
  200. train
  201. milling
  202. tuque
  203. milk
  204. red ribbon
  205. nominate
  206. nominated
  207. prairie province
  208. saddler
  209. warden
  210. McIntosh
  211. redcoat
  212. residential
  213. Riel
  214. treaty
  215. pre-Confederation
  216. dram
  217. chuck
  218. cruster
  219. moonias
  220. N
  221. stocker
  222. Peterborough
  223. carry-all
  224. carryall
  225. mummering
  226. Orangeman
  227. slidage
  228. crust-hunt
  229. home boy
  230. stick
  231. limit
  232. Manitoba maple
  233. frazil
  234. dog
  235. nuisance
  236. timberman
  237. wolf
  238. toque
  239. plough
  240. plow
  241. provincialize
  242. punging
  243. packeter
  244. muskeggy
  245. plugger
  246. hockeyist
  247. pay
  248. rawhide
  249. rodney
  250. sloven
  251. land
  252. meetsuk
  253. overflow
  254. rawhider
  255. mug
  256. staking
  257. supply
  258. staker
  259. herring
  260. bindle
  261. musher
  262. bilingualism
  263. ice-worm
  264. junior
  265. Malpeque
  266. mummer
  267. pointer
  268. senior
  269. mushing
  270. bobskate
  271. radial
  272. swamp
  273. outporter
  274. Pty.
  275. question
  276. rabbit ears
  277. new
  278. social
  279. spoon
  280. trans-continental
  281. wind
  282. driveway
  283. end
  284. mug-up
  285. bell
  286. muck
  287. nippy
  288. prairie chicken
  289. settler
  290. sponson
  291. time
  292. caboose
  293. snake
  294. mickey
  295. article
  296. playdown
  297. Cossack
  298. O
  299. stakey
  300. troller
  301. grass
  302. liquor
  303. ponask
  304. wheel
  305. pit-lamping
  306. beer
  307. blue
  308. minister
  309. Ogopogo
  310. drift
  311. old age security
  312. plug-in
  313. sasquatch
  314. aggressive
  315. nursing
  316. bilingualize
  317. Russell fence
  318. sealer
  319. pea meal
  320. snigging
  321. slough
  322. standing
  323. Swede
  324. rehab
  325. back forty
  326. Oka
  327. remand
  328. maidener
  329. be
  330. allowable
  331. Newfie
  332. Newfier
  333. zombie
  334. matrimonial
  335. baby
  336. French
  337. North Atlantic
  338. parade
  339. parkette
  340. tent
  341. province
  342. stubble
  343. mooch
  344. moocher
  345. mooching
  346. garburator
  347. goelette
  348. midget
  349. pit-lamp
  350. fastball
  351. sand-hill
  352. off-reserve
  353. rubby
  354. Russian
  355. impaired
  356. table
  357. bushed
  358. language
  359. Near North
  360. pocket
  361. numbered
  362. tourtière
  363. butt-end
  364. lingonberry
  365. mud
  366. outrider
  367. throne
  368. Chinese
  369. red-circle
  370. red-circling
  371. home-brew
  372. Metro
  373. parkland
  374. spud
  375. Utilidor
  376. block
  377. Newf
  378. north
  379. parkade
  380. atom
  381. mainstreeting
  382. ploye
  383. deke
  384. pur et dur
  385. red-eye
  386. Mother Hubbard
  387. repatriate
  388. repatriation
  389. toolies
  390. water
  391. ball
  392. Creditiste
  393. joual
  394. minibike
  395. New Dem
  396. war
  397. Joe
  398. morality
  399. near
  400. yuck
  401. Ookpik
  402. bachelorette
  403. Denticare
  404. mainstreet
  405. open line
  406. patriate
  407. bachelor
  408. Bi and Bi
  409. Francophonie
  410. native
  411. non-status
  412. Parti Québécois
  413. ringette
  414. pit
  415. major
  416. rentalsman
  417. skatathon
  418. slick
  419. October
  420. one
  421. rug
  422. migawd
  423. qulliq
  424. suck
  425. patriation
  426. Inuktitut
  427. M
  428. triactor
  429. allophone
  430. Paki
  431. RIDE
  432. mucker
  433. nibbly
  434. nordicity
  435. open
  436. Pepsi
  437. canola
  438. rag
  439. First Nation
  440. multicult
  441. hoser
  442. murderball
  443. pot
  444. reno
  445. poutine
  446. sovereignist
  447. blue box
  448. LETS
  449. power bar
  450. nanny
  451. midshore
  452. sovereigntist
  453. opening
  454. loonie
  455. Molson muscle
  456. crowd-surfing
  457. crowd-surf
  458. pure laine

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None. I quit.

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