I believe I was able to feel not alone at last night’s 4 Pounds/52/Masculathon screening party.

Josh &ampl Robi Levy

I keep being told Mr. JOSH LEVY (q.v.) is a kindred spirit. I see ample evidence this claim is correct. Unlike with his oft-troublesome onliné friends, last night you had to move big, strong guys to sit down, and a lot of them were heterosexualist. In point of fact I often could not tell. In further point of fact I think I had an enjoyable conversation for quite a long time with an FTM.

That banking loan manager/actor/comedian who wears the Last Fauxhawk Standing is a doll. But I think if he were hot for aging homosexualists he would have snagged Bellini while he was still on the market AMIRITE?

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None. I quit.

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