As usual I schlepped 50 minutes to borrow the library’s copy of Eye, only to discover it was a “Food Special Issue,” hence bereft of any novelty or interest whatsoever.

No review. Eye is a fraud.

I did, however, note that Louise Fili gets star treatment in this issue, in an echt-Eye hagiographic profile that only once mentions she is Steven Heller’s wife.

Giant Louise Fili quote and headshot

If obscure, criminally unsung designers are to accrue the recognition they deserve, I see no alternative. If not Eyewho?


(2014.11.03) I got halfway through issue 88 and realized: this whole project has been a chore for years; the stress of doing it makes me sick; and this is merely the latest example of a self-assigned online project that I only belatedly realize does not have to become a lifetime commitment. Project concluded.

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None. I quit.

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