I previously established that conservatives cannot design, save for outlier cases. You should have believed me.

But when I tell you I’ve never seen anything like the following in my entire life, now you should really believe me.

Blue and magenta illustration with California bear: CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC—Mourning what was Lost
Identity Europa logo between ivory and ebony skyscrapers, and naked man crawling up from a ‘Tron’-like floor. Only two choices – identity or Babel
Statue of Liberty: She stands for liberty not replacement
Luminous yellow–red iron cross amid magenta and blue battle image: Austria erit in orbe ultima
Blood-red minotaur breaks through a proscenium of some kind. Abortion: The modern Moloch

I pin a superspecial Cross of Iron to the baby-blue and magenta polyester lapel of Æsthetica Europa.

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None. I quit.

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