“Tweet” by Mildly_Emo (no realtion): the sad truth is, if you don’t look like either of these, you’re worthless to a majority of the white gay ‘community’ ”

Pictured at left is Mr. JOSHUA BERGIN, an homosexualist who runs his own home-reno business in Calgary. He’s achieved a measure of success.

When a queer, a trans*, or an LGBT caterwauls about body positivity, “they” just mean they hate “themself.” Body positivity just means body resentment. Here failure is weaponized against such success; failure is represented by the twink pictured at right, or by any who popularized this “meme.”

I suppose these two phenotypes are implicitly held up against, say, bears. When it comes to body fascism, it is musclebears who are the problem. Guess who will be last to find out.

Further, queer, trans*, and LGBT are explicitly racist.

In any case, imagine the phenotypes pictured above are your sole choices. Please make your selection now.

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None. I quit.

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