By which I mean the only non-progressives or anti-progressives with a brand: Europa Invicta (Flickr album thereof).
Conservatives still cannot design –
– but Europa Invicta has done well more than the bare minimum here:
Images from European or White antiquity
Consistent typography (Gotham – no doubt Jonathan Hoefler, our Whitest type designer, will be mortified), and indeed consistent translucency to such type
Square format that the kids prefer these days
Then Europa Invicta, who are not Identity Evropa (“Ev”ropa), go and spoil it all by doing something stupid with their best slogans.
Type and layout are wrong
Type is fundamentally incorrect in embarrassing ways (neutral apostrophes that collide with nearby letters)
Cannot decide whether linebreak, comma plus linebreak, or no apparent linebreak are meant to break up clauses
Then there’s using the wrong frigging quotation marks:
All told, though, wildly superior (these people are all about hierarchy) than Æsthetica Europa.
Next I will discuss the anti-progressive meme æsthetic of severely saturated red/green/blue gradients, reminiscent of the absolute greatest 1980s lighting and interiors (and indeed key to the Æsthetica Europa vocabulary).