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Transgenders, least of all Ray “Sylvia” Rivera, did not lead Stonewall


Block Together combines and aggregates the task of blocking abusers on Twitter


The social-justice warrior’s cries of sexism do not justify worsening actual health or threatening human life


“I make a good living,” John Gruber says. Yes – half a million a year, I estimate


Neville Brody: “Because creativity isn’t quantifiable, it loses out”


Acting coach Susan Batson and Tom Cruise


Twitter isn’t journalism. Take heed, near-defamer Karen 8 K. Ho. (January 2015: Now with belated response from her)


Richard Berkowitz and Michael Callen’s 1983 pamphlet How to Have Sex in an Epidemic in various form(at)s


G. Clooney: “Now, we’re haole as shit…. [I]t’s a miracle that for some bullshit reason 150 years ago we own this much of paradise. But we do. And for whatever bullshit reason, I’m the trustee now, and I’m not signing. I’m not signing it”

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