Author archive


No one but Schulman is responsible for her reputation as a lying sack of shit when it comes to gay men


Gay men being the latter along with the former


Mr. PIETSCH let me down


What do those fascinating but prickly gaybros major in? Yes, they really do choose science and technology more often


Skin illustrations rarely attract, let alone maintain, interest, but they do on a man who defies the Brazilian Hunks of Instagram archetype, Rafa Nunes


Looking at this timeless, in fact archetypal, body and pose, do you have any doubt whatsoever that you are looking at a man?


Dave Dawson’s single-serving site of sentimentality, good cheer, and Cocon


Denton: “Why do you think Gawker is snarkier than I would like? The easy way to insulate yourself against snark is to preëmptively snark”


“Sometimes you go elsewhere not because you are not liking the one you are with; you are not liking the person you have become”

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