Author archive


Homosexualist art project de l’année


Greying ginger homosexualist graphic designer Patric(k) King on seven kinds of clients


Brand Pup, his stunning handcrafted hoods, and forgetting oneself


Issue 86 of Eye: Letraset as historical artifact no more important than Polish protest posters, and get that fucking hair out of your eyelash, Alice Rawsthorn


Eldon Garnet, “Inversion,” James Cooper Mansion, Sherbourne St.


Technology design, and critiques of it, are popular because the old subject, furniture, has become a mere commodity


Siegfried & Roy’s tiger Montecore did not “attack” Roy Horn


Steve Crohn is the latest eldergay to commit suicide. Why?


Strange new ad campaign, with no stated sponsor, shows implausible Arabic/Indic/Farsi pairings of guys and no Caucasians whatsoever

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