Archive for category: Captioning


CBC wouldn’t write a blogging policy, so its bloggers had to do it themselves


In which we explore the writings of the (formerly mysterious) heterosexualist CBC captioner–blogger, “Nugget” (sic)


“Of course people would always read things (captions, E-mails), but would they want to read long imaginative or confessional works written by writers in the past, even the recent past?”


Two-hour, third-rate, 30-year-old dubbed monster movies that are broadcast when people with real lives are out having a good time: Pop-on captioning. Current, high-profile, prime-time half-hour dramas with a rabidly loyal viewership: Scrollup captioning


If CBC doesn’t blog about captioning, then I will. And that means I set the agenda


Why, exactly, I give a shit about CBC captioning (something given a more colourful name by the Tea Makers)


In which I petition Ofcom for new research on fonts for captioning. Junk science has got to stop someday


Ideas for measuring accessibility


Now I’m publishing all my documentation of CBC captioning errors and omissions

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None. I quit.

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