Archive for category: Accessibility


Ryerson architecture prof George Kapelos failed to teach his students that woonerfs are lethally dangerous to blind people


Instagram, Camera+, and Flickr all bork in VoiceOver


‘What impact will Facebook’s new accessibility team have?’ None


A couple of Android devices, running the rarely-seen current version of the operating system, kind of support accessibility. How well? About as well as you’d expect


Whether they’re captioned up front or shipped first and captioned later, Apple has the money to pay for captioning of its videos. Because I thought Apple was committed to accessibility


VoiceOver usage is about 9% on desktop but nearly half on mobile. There’s a reason for this


Esteemed colleague writes about the blind shooting the blind at the VIPhone user group


Last year, Republic of Doyle was atrocious. And now it’s been renewed for some reason


Twentieth-anniversary edition

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None. I quit.

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