Archive for category: Animals


Dr. Mengele’s farm is actually run by the American government


Bruce LaBruce: “The Morrissey autobiography is quickly, essentially, changing my life.” Tell that to the dead bunny LaBruce used in his terribly risqué gay zombie porn


Siegfried & Roy’s tiger Montecore did not “attack” Roy Horn


E.B. White and his dachshund, Minnie


Three artists sculpting, constructing, and photographing animals: Arran Gregory, Marc Fichou, Richard Barnes


Decadent homosexualist interior designer Ryan Korban “love[s] fur, animal skins and taxidermy”


(Adrien Kohler and) Basil Jones: “As gay people, we understand prejudice and, as South Africans, we understand prejudice”


Globe and Mail editorial: “A pet perambulating on its own is not a citizen and, as a general principle, has no right to state protection from wild animals.”


A delightful bon mot from the PPK Forum

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