Archive for category: Announcements


Some additions to the list of eldergay suicides


Thank Goddess that Canada had a right-wing-extremist mass murder of Muslims so that progressives’ and academics’ decades-long insistence of the danger of right-wing extremists could finally be vindicated. And! Announcing Right-Wing Assholes in Canada: A research project


Mike Daisey’s monologue The Trump Card in formats you can actually read and modify.


You can now read all eight issues of J.D.s in one go


LGB Voice and Peak Trans Moment (Gay Men)


I want the one-of-a-kind strawberry-blond gay Olympic silver medallist to be remembered, not forgotten. I also want the circumstances of his death accurately reported


You can now borrow Chasing the Perfect from the library, thanks to me


I am willing to give Feelings: The Technology Podcast About People a go in ’013


Khoi Vinh is shitcanning Mixel. Why didn’t he simply charge for it all along?

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None. I quit.

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