Archive for category: Asides
- Using BigMuscle to talk about a liver transplant (2011.10.07)
Two giant Vancouver homosexualists use BigMuscle to talk about the liver transplant one of them needed
- “Gay news blogs” are a losing venture (2011.10.07)
“Gay news blogs” are a losing venture, Nieman Labs shows, to protests from their owners
- Rick Mercer shaves Adam Kleeberger (2011.10.07)
Surely homosexualist Rick Mercer will shave off rugger Adam Kleeberger’s beard solely “for charity”
- Ramanan Sivaranjan, go fuck yourself (2011.10.07)
ரமணன் சிவரஞ்சன், go fuck yourself
- ‘A person at risk of becoming a journalist’ (2011.09.28)
“A person whose financial requirements are modest and whose curiosity, skepticism, and indifference to reputation are outsized is a person at risk of becoming a journalist”
- ‘Using Braille displays in Mac OS X’ (2011.09.28)
Braille displays work instantly on Macs and iPads
- Simkai still can’t be honest about Grindr (2011.09.28)
Joel Simkai still cannot honestly describe the true purpose of Grindr,
- Fashion article of the year (2011.09.26)
Sarah Miller’s piece in the Awl about Marc Anthony “fashions”
- Pejorative of the year (2011.09.26)