Archive for category: Asides
- TubeCrush (2011.06.16)
I defy you to tell me this TubeCrush specimen is not a high-quality one
- Research Studios has a Shop (2011.06.16)
Neville Brody’s Research Studios has a Shop
- ✬.me (2011.06.16)
✬.me is about what, exactly?
- ‘Chair champion’ (2011.06.14)
I don’t think hiring a consultant to fit everyone properly in a chair in which they sit for eight hours a day is a waste of mone
- Chris Messina: Courage to be blond (2011.06.12)
Chris Messina,
- Reverse Lion (2011.06.09)
OS X 10.7 will work in Arabic. This may not go well
- I was never ‘laissez-faire’ (2011.06.03)
‘I’m glad the friends I have now are involved enough in my life to try their damnedest, even risking what passed for “friendship” at that time, to try to prevent me from sliding into the decay I experienced in the ’90s as a result of “friends” who were so laissez-faire as to watch someone they claimed to care about slide into oblivion’
- ‘Reality television is the television of television’ (2011.05.23)
Kelefa Sanneh: “Reality television is the television of television”
- Unexplained solarization effect (2011.05.22)
James Minchin’s photo for New York