Archive for category: Best

Posts I’m particularly proud of


Old gay males stumble into the light at the homosexualist film festival and wonder: Where did all these guys come from?


Andrew Haigh can afford to be generous. Instead he went for cruel and snide


Gay cinema is a Cinema of Recognition, of which Weekend is the latest example (now updated, then updated again with the shiv Andrew Haigh stuck in)


What’s the lesson out soccer player Anton Hysén has to teach us? That there’s no cultural place for the masculine gay male


Straight reporters will do anything to keep us in the closet. They’re also the last to realize that, as a topic for journalists, “gays in sports” is over


Apple COO Tim Cook is gay, but the truth about gay lives is something the technology press never wants to report


Bullish, on-message technology podcasts that treat people like the latest gadget defeat the purpose of inviting peole onto the show in the first place. Tech podcasts are a mutual admiration society I consider harmful


In the wake of a report on gay and lesbian engineering students, time for some anecdotes and reflections


Who are the subjects of the feature documentary The Butch Factor, about gay men and masculinity? (How many of them have gay accents?)

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