Archive for category: Cinema


Otōto no otto, Eastern Boys, and Patrik, Age 1.5: Gays who never expected to be dads


54 was hacked and mangled by Harvey Weinstein et al. but has been restored


Adam Curtis uses footage as actual text


The amusingly volatile Armond Whit reviews Foxcatcher with one angle for Out and rather a different one for National Review


Son frère: It’s icy, it’s distant, it has a great ending


G. Clooney: “Now, we’re haole as shit…. [I]t’s a miracle that for some bullshit reason 150 years ago we own this much of paradise. But we do. And for whatever bullshit reason, I’m the trustee now, and I’m not signing. I’m not signing it”


I see an eternal truth wordlessly expressed in Toast and The Long Day Closes


United in Anger can finally be viewed online. But its progenitor, the ACT UP Oral History Project, needs a stem-to-stern rewrite, and for that I’m asking for help


I fact-checked two reports on women in film and television, paying a lot of attention to the claim there were no wymmyn cinematographers working in Canadian TV in a certain year

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