Archive for category: Economics


Another month, another round of refutations of factually unfounded claims that gays are rich


Will Donovan Steyl and Karen Paperno please stick to the facts?


A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t. (Superspecial “Sithifrican” edition!)


Go get a job in a store, you big nancy, advises Simon Doonan


A recap of stories lazily reiterating the claim that gays are rich, which we aren’t.


J-Source commissioned a story on gay money, then ignored my ass. So here it is!


Freakonomics actually covers my work on gay money. Funny how no one else in the mainstream press, including gay papers, has


Announcing my new research project on lesbian and gay economics. (Spoiler alert: Gay males earn less money than straight males, most research shows, while lesbians earn more than straight women)


Be a gay man. (Originally from 2003.07.07, this posting documents early research on lesbian & gay economics by M.V. Lee Badgett)

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None. I quit.

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