Archive for category: Events


@media London 2007: Jason Santa Maria


@media London 2007: Mark Boulton


@media London 2007: Simon Collison, Drew Hicks


@media London 2007: Hicks


@media London 2007: Håkon Wium Lie


I’ve never had a well-dressed Orientalist girl lean in on me and press the flesh


Appearing in San Francisco May 23–28


This is what happens when the Society for Environmental Graphic Design renegs on an agreement: I blow the whistle


If you want diversity, then you should be agitating for equality of opportunity, not outcome. If you want a good conference, you should be agitating for good speakers, a lot of whom are men. If you don’t want either of those things, then here’s something else you don’t actually want: Diversity

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None. I quit.

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