Archive for category: Events


BookCampTO09: Why do I bother?


Well, guess what: The Ontario College of Art & Design is again acting like nobody has the right to photograph the works shown in its annual graduates’ show. Bzzt: Wrong answer. Try again


At the fireman competition, you won’t hear a single assibilated S. Isn’t it great?


TypeCon organizer GRRLZ: Did they realize the errors of their ways or are they just hypocrites?


The most expensive graphic-design magazine in the world stinks


Too fast, too mumbly, too long


Because you’ve only got five minutes, you’re new at it, and you’re sitting down


Toronto Fire Academy Open House 2007. Only the black guy was worth looking at. And he was the only one there


Q&A with Katherine Barber and John Robert Colombo, mostly about Canadian English

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None. I quit.

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