Archive for category: The death of graphic-design criticism

The long, slow, deserved death of “traditional” graphic-design criticism. Its practitioners will be the last to know


Why aren’t there more wymmynz in graphic design? This new book answers a nonsensical question


Have you missed Speak Up? Or have Armin Vit’s numerous other blogs picked up the slack?


Do you think we should be training design writers to talk down to the “masses”?


You spent $34 per issue. I just borrowed them from the library. What’s in ’em?


Don’t read books if you don’t want to, Mikita Brottman does not quite argue. Now, what does this have to do with designers?


Yes, that’s what the editor of Eye really says


As I am the only person willing to critcize Eye, I might as well give it another go (Spring 2008, Nº 67)


Recent events in the death of graphic-design criticism as we know it


Why are there so few homosexualists in graphic design? My latest theory: Manliness lets you get shit done

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None. I quit.

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