Archive for category: Graphic design


Are pizza flyers good design? Don’t ask a design intellectual


Some dumb twat retypeset “ACT UP” with Arial. And nominating Julianne Escobedo Shepherd as buzzword-wielding vizmin of the year


Seemingly every ACT UP artwork created by Gran Fury on the Flickrs


Eye’s Monotype special, in which Ultrasparky has never seemed more Ultrastilted


Presented in a manner you can actually understand and use: The New York City MTA Graphic Standards Manual (1970)


Eye 83, filled to the brim with features on designers you’ve read about for decades and other designers so successful they don’t need clients anymore


You can now borrow Chasing the Perfect from the library, thanks to me


Compare and contrast: David Bowie, “The Next Day”; R.E.M., Out of Time


Philip Stearns’ pixelated landscapes

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