Archive for category: Journalism


Tom Scocca got it half right in lambasting Microsoft Word. Now we need to get him set up on BBEdit


Toronto police and fire departments have no plan to deal with deaf people. At all


The Times’s Tanzina Vega is the latest to perpetuate a disgraceful tradition of taking what marketers say about the “lucrative” gay community at face value


Xtra threatens to launch a new daily-news site. What odds do you give they’ll do everything wrong?


Liveblog of conference call with press after Chris Spring crashed his bobsleigh in Germany


The Star’s gullible reporter Emily Mathieu takes rich gay TV star Rick Mercer’s word for it about his house. But what about the house he now lives in, which he and his producer/husband reportedly bought in cash?


Of course gay blogs don’t make money. Their owners don’t know their own industries, have bad taste, and suicidally insist on doing what is known not to work. Journos covering the topic are just as baffled


Denise Balkissoon on lesbian moms: “Considering… the fact that women on average earn lower salaries.” I ask: Lower than whom?


Months in the making, today I’m releasing Borked Unicode, a pop-up blog that aims to teach hacks (i.e., journalists) the minimum they need to know about Unicode. The goal is to make it possible for hacks to write clean copy.

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