Archive for category: Liveblogging

Live paraphrased transcripts from meetings and events


Mr. CHRISTIAN SCHWARTZ visited Toronto


Liveblog of conference call with press after Chris Spring crashed his bobsleigh in Germany


Do you really think Twits and CoverItLive are sufficient to document a conference presentation? Then, you ignoramus, you probably also top-post


TypeCon organizer GRRLZ: Did they realize the errors of their ways or are they just hypocrites?


Liveblogging The Trojan Horse on CBC, 2008.03.30 2100


Q&A with Katherine Barber and John Robert Colombo, mostly about Canadian English


Liveblogging a presentation at An Event Apart San Francisco by Jeffrey Zeldman


Liveblogging a presentation at An Event Apart San Francisco by Jina Bolton


Liveblogging a presentation at An Event Apart San Francisco by Doug Bowman

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None. I quit.

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