Archive for category: Music


U2, Coldplay (MORRISSEY: Oldplay), Lady Gaga


MORRISSEY! was on KCRW and I took notes


‘I feel like things as they are have about as much awesomeness as they are capable of having. And you can’t imbue awesomeness into something that actually sucks. And in its way, something that sucks full-bore sucking at me is an honourable experience. It’s an honourable exchange, you know?’


M.M ≅ C and C




A young white Detroit rap artiste who is not Eminem in two ways


‘Ƭȟëřè åṝé ƫŵõ ķïńđš óƒ ƥèöṗḹȅ: (ã) Ṁÿ ľȭṽȩ ȃňḓ İ; (ḇ) Ṑȶḧḛṟ’


The graphic-design band is, to coin a phrase, an ideal for living


What happens when nonsense lyrics are sung in a way that makes them feel like they make sense?

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None. I quit.

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