Archive for category: Photos

Giant claws of yellow pavement grader dump dirty snow into yellow-green dumptruck

And people thought the advertisement for a Local Bathing Establishment (LBE) set a precedent.

Illuminated ad for Maleflixxx shows scantily-clad male models. It sits above a Soutbound designation on a green tiled wall

Apparently it did.


…bodysuits are for inverts (mildly NSFW)

Hands hover over a foam display case of speckled, beige, and tan Corian samples
Rag-doll arm hangs over the side of a red Schwinn children’s wagon in a shop window
Postings in a shop window show a smiling chicken in a red cowboy hat and a letter-sized ad for Slushee
Corrugated outside wall shows the shadow of the word VIDEO and the enclosure of a neon sign
Round inset in concrete wall has lowered ventilation slats
Shadow of me, hat, and camera cast on cream Caprice with dark-cream vinyl roof

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