Archive for category: Splorpist
Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s
- St. Flurry (2008.02.13)
- Blue pencil (2008.01.27)
- A celebration of boxes (2008.01.09)
- Smart colour coördination (2007.12.30)
- Opportunities → Nova Scotia → (2007.12.29)
Not in my experience.
I suppose it beats Arnie and Maria asking us “When can you start?”
- Truth in advertising (2007.12.24)
- The splendour of Toronto in wintertime (2007.12.13)
- TTC sign (2007.12.09)
And people thought the advertisement for a Local Bathing Establishment (LBE) set a precedent.
Apparently it did.
- Hands of Corian (2007.12.04)