Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com

Rag-doll arm hangs over the side of a red Schwinn children’s wagon in a shop window
Postings in a shop window show a smiling chicken in a red cowboy hat and a letter-sized ad for Slushee
Corrugated outside wall shows the shadow of the word VIDEO and the enclosure of a neon sign
Round inset in concrete wall has lowered ventilation slats
Shadow of me, hat, and camera cast on cream Caprice with dark-cream vinyl roof
Alongside a nubbly yellow edge marker, concrete in a sidewalk is embossed MISSION
Giant orange crane cab silhouetted behind decorated wrought-iron doorway

Parc Woodbiné Park, Leslieville Heights.

Park bench has slats going one way with slat-like shadows cast the opposit eway
Four brilliant yellow-green bottles of Mr. Clean on a shelf above rich blue Cheer box, with an aisle of canned goods nearby

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None. I quit.

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