Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com


Decadent by any standard.

Undulating marble wall sits on far side of driveway past two Doric columns
Car under tonneau cover in foggy parking lot
Ragged sheet of ice covers most of a set of wooden planks
Bright green dumpster on wintry street

Ultraglamorous city infrastructure on the jewel in Toronto’s crown, ouest ave. St. Clair Ave. West.

Seven people wait in the fog under a half-block-long glass shelter in front of ALBERT’S REAL JAMAICAN FOODS
Hollow tiger sculpture made of orange-and-white LED lights
Truck all alone in the middle of a five-lane street at a T intersection
Klieg lights illuminated a dropcloth-draped storefront during a nighttime movie shoot
Baby-blue overhead exhaust venting looms far above a parked streetcar at a streetcar yard

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None. I quit.

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