Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com

Mottled teal transport trailer is emblazoned with a sign resembling a road sign – an S inside an orange triangle
Behind a few green-leafed branhes, a hulking building has a sign reading MONO LINO TYPESETTING


Dartboard, with mechanical or engineering-style numbers around the outside, sits on plank by orange toolbox
Tiny yellow leaves, like corn kernels, are scattered across the hood, windshield, and wiper of a green car

Possibly the loveliest detail of any car.

Louvred trailing edge of rear window of cream-coloured Mercedes SLC

No… no, not “possibly.”

Desolate concrete lot holds buildings with signs reading ZODIAC DINING and MATTRESS LIQUIDATION SAT & SUN ONLY
Logs piled behind purplish-blue and yellow slats of a porch railing

Американский Идол in Coke.

Giant display of Coke cases spells out IDOL on both walls, has a makeshift ‘American Idol’ logotype, and has a hanged effigy with its pants down

Or: @ 133† †00 ƒ@r?

New York state vanity licence plate on a Mercury SUV reads D3S1GN3R. Nearby, a green-white-red ITALIAN MUSCLE bumper sticker shows a shirtless bodybuilder in a hard hat

Note the bumper sticker damagingly applied to a painted surface. Ethnic stereotype?

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None. I quit.

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