Archive for category: The Weblog medium


The Jason Kottke caste has a sunk cost in pretending I wasn’t as much of a pioneer as they were, and that I simply do not exist


I still read Speedbird (“bitterness or resentment”)


Veteran Cardhouse watches Twitch when he’s sick


Toronto’s bien-pensant media intelligentsia want Xtra’s “pink” newspaper boxes back. What they don’t want is the task of investigating Xtra. Good thing I’m here


I did the obvious thing. I downloaded one or more instruction manuals from essentially every dishwasher manufacturer in existence, extracted just the pages or parts thereof that illustrate how to load the dishwasher, and assembled them on Flickr


Paul Ford’s Tilde Club: Which would you prefer – an iPhone or feeding dimes into a payphone that cannot receive calls?


Denton: “Why do you think Gawker is snarkier than I would like? The easy way to insulate yourself against snark is to preëmptively snark”


A year-long hiatus from MetaFilter, where I am user 250 (1999), due to the entrenched stupidity of its intelligent and sophisticated owner and developer


Mike Monteiro, cyberbully

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None. I quit.

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