Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world


Text on Things: Pharmaceutical-appliance packaging


Text on Things: Pile


This kind of emergency planning is too complicated. Nobody’s gonna remember what REACT stands for when the room is filled with toxic smoke. By the time you get to the wall to read this instruction card, if that is even possible under the conditions, either you will have successfuly removed occupants, enclosed area, and activated alarm or you will have not – and it’ll be too late to go back and try again.

Warning sign lists instructions ‘In case of FIRE’ and gives codewords to use ‘In case of emergency’; ‘Code brown’ means ‘hazardous spill’

Curiously, “code brown” has another meaning in the lore of medical residents.


I went for a visual-field test last week to rule out glaucoma. (There is no evidence I have it. We merely have inconclusive evidence I do not.) The office is in the middle of nowhere in the labyrinthine hospital. Since some people heading there will have deficient visual fields, is a homemade, home-corrected sign tacked up on a side wall where you wouldn’t be looking anyway something that makes sense?

Laser-printed sheet with handwritten room-number corrections: ‘Visual fields & eye photography →→→ Turn to your right’

Text on Things: Crisper


Text on Things: Marker


Text on Things: Courtesy card


Text on Things: Food packaging


Text on things: Book slipcase

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